Sunday, May 20, 2012

Amver tanker rescues two in the Atlantic

On May 10, 2012 the Amver tanker Stolt Invitation Invention rescued two Finnish sailors 800 miles south of the Isles of Scilly after their sailboat was hit by a whale and capsized.

Rescue personnel in Falmouth requested Amver information from the U.S. Coast Guard. The tanker Stolt Invitation Invention was identified and requested to divert and assist. The Stolt Invitation Invention arrived on scene and the crew worked to recover the two sailors. The survivors were treated for mild hypothermia and accompanied the ship to New York. Personnel from the Finnish Consulate met the sailors when they arrived in New York and the crew of the Stolt Invitation Invention were presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Amver office.

Here is a video of the rescue:

Can't see the video? Click here.

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Unknown said...

a little bit confused on the vessel's name --- Stolt Invitation or Stolt Invention?

Amver Maritime Relations said...

You are correct, that's the Stolt Invention. Thanks for the catching that for us!