Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rescue Update- voice mail & Amver to the rescue!

Could a voice message help save your life?  Couple your registered Personal Locator Beacon with some innovation and you have this, a personal message instructing rescuers how to find a vessel and sailor! Add an Amver ship and you have what just transpired near Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean. 

A sailor in distress activated his properly registered beacon, an Amver ship was diverted by search and rescue authorities, and a United States Coast Guard C-130 air dropped a dewatering pump.  This all adds up to a sailor assisted and continuing on his journey.

The Amver participant Hoegh Kobe, pictured alongside the disabled sailboat, was first on the scene and passed fuel and other necessary equipment for the sailor to continue on his voyage.

Have you enrolled in Amver?  You could be helping us ensure no call, or voice mail, for help goes unanswered.

Photo credit: USCG photo
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